May 18th: Night of the Museums in Florence

notte dei musei florence

In Florence and the surrounding areas, there will be free admissions, guided tours, and special initiatives.

Florence also participates in the European Night of Museums 2024, on Saturday, May 18th, to enhance the artistic and cultural heritage through special initiatives, guided tours, presentations, and free or symbolic-priced evening openings. The event is sponsored by UNESCO, the Council of Europe, and ICOM, the International Council of Museums. This year, the Night of Museums coincides with the International Museum Day organized by ICOM. The theme for this edition is centered on education and research.

Friday, May 17th: 3 museums of the University of Florence for free

The University of Florence celebrates the Night of Museums in advance: on the eve of the International Museum Day, it opens the doors for free to 3 museums during the evening. On Friday, May 17th, the Museum of Geology and Paleontology, the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology, and the Botanical Garden (Giardino dei Semplici) will be exceptionally open until 8:00 PM, and from 5:00 PM onwards, admission will be free. The last entry is at 7:15 PM.

The Opera del Duomo Museum for free for the Night of Museums 2024

The Opera del Duomo Museum of Florence for the Night of Museums and the International Museum Day, on Saturday, May 18th, from 6:00 PM to midnight, will be open with free admission for everyone. The last entry is scheduled at 11:00 PM, and no reservation is required.

The Uffizi Gallery also participates in the Night of Museums, with an extraordinary opening from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM, with the last entry at 8:30 PM, and admission ticket for the symbolic cost of €1.00.

Extraordinary opening of the civic museums of Fiesole (free during the evening)

On the hills of Florence, on the occasion of the European Night of Museums 2024, the civic collections of Fiesole will be visitable free of charge in the evening hours, until 11:00 PM. In addition, at 6:00 PM on the terrace of the Roman Theater, the exhibition “The Prince of Radicondoli. An Etruscan aristocrat in the Mugello of the 7th century BC” will be presented, gathering artifacts never exhibited before and will be set up in the new exhibition hall of the Civic Archaeological Museum.

The Accademia Gallery of Florence will also have an extraordinary evening opening from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM, with admission (without reservation) at €1.00.

Extraordinary opening (and €1 admission from 7:00 PM) also for the Bargello National Museum, which will remain open continuously from 8:15 AM to 9:50 PM. The Medici Chapels will also be open in the evening for the European Night of Museums, with continuous hours from 8:15 AM to 10:50 PM. Admission from 7:00 PM will be at the price of one euro.

The Civic Archaeological Museum and the Bandini Museum will be open extraordinarily from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM for free. There will also be two free guided tours: a guided tour of the Bandini Museum at 7:00 PM (duration about 1 hour), a guided tour of the Civic Archaeological Museum at 9:00 PM (duration about 1 hour), reservation required for guided tours (tel. 055 596 1293,

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