Italy’s beaches reopen with new anti-contagion rules


Can I go to the beach near Rome?

It’s official: summer season is on in Italy. The Roman summer season started on May 29th and will end on September 30th. But there are specific rules to follow in order to control the risk of contagion. The main rule in place is social distancing: a safety distance should be kept at all times, gatherings are prohibited and group beach sports are banned. However, bear in mind that while beaches are open and measures for the summer season have been set out, there are still some restrictions along the Roman Coast. Here are all the measures approved by the Higher Health Institute (ISS) and the workplace accident insurance agency INAIL regarding the new anti-contagion rules to follow in Italy this summer.

Restrictions on the Roman Coast

From May 29th, some restrictions along the beaches of the Lazio region, including Ostia, Fiumicino, Maccarese and Fregene, have been lifted. You many now go to the beach to sunbathe, you may bring your own equipment and you may play individual sports (like racchettoni). However, some new restrictions have been placed, including a new smoking ban that prohibits smoking on beaches. You may not smoke under your beach umbrella and in any other places on the beach, unless the bathing facility arranges a smoking area. The no smoking policy is “recommended” in some areas like Ostia and 100% in place in others like Fregene and Fiumicino. Other restrictions include a no music policy from 9.30pm onwards. Fireworks are also banned from 9pm to 11pm.

Seapass: the web app that tells you how many people are on Ostia’s public beaches in real time

If you’re planning on going to one of the public beaches in Ostia, you can now consult Seapass, a web app that tells you how many people are on Ostia’s public beaches in real time. This way, you won’t have to stand in unnecessary lines. The web app functions as a traffic light in three colors: green when there are still many places at the beach, orange if there are few places left and red when the beach is completely full.

Summer 2020: Social distancing at the beach

In order to minimize the risk of contagion, private and public beaches will have to guarantee an area of 10 square meters for each sun umbrella.

  • Sun umbrellas: a minimum distance of 5 meters between rows of sun umbrellas, and 4.5 meters between sun umbrellas in the same row, must be respected.
  • Beach beds: a minimum distance of 1.5 meters between each beach bed (unless you are part of the same family).

Social distancing also applies in the areas around toilets and showers and people should not share cabins, unless they are family members or living together. Social distancing must also be guaranteed among children.

Summer 2020: Sanitizing

In order to ensure a safe environment, beach beds, umbrellas, shared areas and equipment in general must be sanitized at the end of each day and every time there’s a new customer. Entrance and exit routes should also be differentiated with clear signage.

Summer 2020: reservations recommended

In order to limit access, it is highly recommended you reserve your beach bed and or sun umbrella in advance if you’d like to go to a private bathing facility (especially on weekends and holidays). Credit cards, contactless and in-app payments are recommended instead of paying in cash.

Summer 2020: Beach sports and swimming pools

Individual beach sports such as racquetball, windsurf, surf and kitesurf may be practiced as long as there’s the safety distance of one meter. Group sports, on the other hand, are banned this summer. This includes, and is not limited to, beach volley and beach soccer. Swimming pools are also banned.

Check out the best beaches near Rome

Everything you need to know about the new guidelines from May 18th

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