Make a difference and fight urban decay with Retake Roma

Make a difference and fight urban decay with Retake Roma

Retake Roma: a voluntary organization that restores Rome

“If Only…” How many times have you heard this phrase, or better yet, said it yourself? As we all stroll through Rome’s city center and neighbouring districts, in addition to the beautiful monuments and palazzos we notice another thing: maintenance is not routine. The grass isn’t well-kept, the walls are filled with graffiti, sometimes we even find trash on the floor, urban decay is very much alive… and it’s just a pity. “If only Rome was a better kept city, it would be the most beautiful place to live in.”

The guys from Retake Roma have decided to transform that “if only” into action: they’re a voluntary non-profit organization who’s mission is to fight the capital’s urban decay and restore public property.

Make a difference and fight urban decay with Retake Roma

Make a difference and fight urban decay with Retake Roma

Make a difference and fight urban decay with Retake Roma

They operate through events, educational projects and public-private partnerships and involve all of society’s components in caring for and respecting the city. There are so many ways to make a difference, and these guys have allowed all of us to make one. In 2019 alone they organized over 800 events in Rome, they’ve involved citizens, schools, companies and associations in the restoration of Roman piazzas, gardens and monuments. Let’s Retake Roma and bring it back to its original splendour!

Take part in one (or more) of their events, with the goal of working together to get rid of waste, graffiti, repaint areas and make public areas beautiful again! Here’s a list of the upcoming clean-up operations you can participate in, just remember that you have to sign up in order to join:

Tuesday, August 4th from 8am

Retake al parco (gruppo Parco degli Acquedotti)

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Wednesday, August 5th from 6pm

Retake Viale Ratto delle Sabine (gruppo Casal Monastero)

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Thursday, August 6th

from 6pm: Retake largo Preneste (gruppo Prenestino Labicano)

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from 7pm:

Retake via delle Fratte di Trastevere (gruppo Trastevere)

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You can also support Retake Roma and help them through a donation!

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