Top mistakes we make when speaking italian – Part 1

I remember dreaming about one day being able to speak Italian without stumbling or translating first in my head. If you are thinking of learning Italian or in the middle of your linguistic journey, here are the mistakes I made and heard the most from noi stranieri or English speakers when I first moved to Italy.


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1 Comment

  • Thank you so much for this video!! The best part for me was you admitting how nervous you were and hanging up on people. I moved here 4 months ago not speaking a word and I have to say I can relate to the nervousness but at the same time I am working hard and I am getting better. I cannot wait until the day I feel comfortable with every day tasks!! If you have any advice on how to learn and what you found worked best for you and about how long it took you to feel comfortable that would be a huge help!

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