Mycupoftea Popup-Inspiring

Mycupoftea Popup-Inspiring in via Gregoriana

Mycupofthea Popup is back! The creative gathering of the capital, which takes place three times a year (October, December and March) promises to offer 4 days full of design, handicraft, fashion and eco-gastronomy.

From Wednesday 14th to Sunday 18th October, via Gregoriana 34 opens its doors to the lovers of creativity and, with the theme “INSPIRING” focuses on enhancing and encouraging that particular state of mind through which we go beyond the ordinary and are driven by imagination to create something new.

To support this idea, architect and Flower Designer, Antonia Incalza and landscape architect, Franzesca Troiano, have created the installation Arras Project: The garden of hanging flowers.

Mycupoftea Popup-Inspiring in via Gregoriana

For the opening event, the president Roberto Wirth and the director Stefania Fadda will present the “Centro Assistenza per Bambini Sordi e Sordociechi Onlus (CABSS), the support center of deaf and deaf mute children, as well as programs dedicated to deaf and deaf mute children aged 0-6 years old.

For the opening aperitivo Abbazia di Busco will host a wine tasting, and Panino Plinio will offer delicious sandwiches to celebrate thier first year in Prati.

As always, Mycupoftea has gathered a great variety of different designers, stylists and artisans that are among the best in all of Italy.

Mycupoftea Popup-Inspiring in via Gregoriana

But apart from the opening event in 14th October, the following days are full of activities:

Thursday 15th October will host the fifth edition of the meeting devoted to the artisans, designers and creators hosted by Mycupoftea Popup. This time, the chosen theme is closely related to the origin of inspiration: “How to optimize the creative process and develop your own business.” Among the speakers will be Barbara Musella– Core Coach and Facilitator- Muriel de Meo – life and business coach – Francesca Pansadoro – responsible for external relations for the Association of Professional Organizers Italia – and Sabrina Fattori, chartered accountant specializing in companies in creative vocation.

Saturday 17th October: Ice Cream Party! of Mycupoftea, from 15 o’clock Mycupoftea Popup will propose a very special tasting dedicated to a new concept of ice cream: that of Stefino, excellent ice cream from Bologna, with organic ingredients and fair trade that has recently opened a new place in Rome.

Sunday 18th October is the Charity Day of Mycupoftea, organized in favor of Onlus CABSS-Centro Assistenza Bambini Sordi e Sordociechi, founded and chaired by Roberto Wirth, who will also present his book “il silenzio e’ stato il mio primo compagno di giochi” (“silence has been my first playfellow”).

During the day, thanks to the generous support of the catering La Ferice and the winery Planeta, brunch and refreshments will be offered to the public. The day will be sponsored by the Lazio Regional Council.

The event Mycupoftea Popup Inspiring is supported by the Confartigianato Rome, the Institute of Higher Studies for Women, and by the Popup Association Rome .

Mycupoftea Popup-Inspiring in via Gregoriana

14th to 18th October 2015

from 11:00 to 20:00

free entrance

via Gregoriana 34 Rome – Ground Floor

more information:


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