Sponsor a Refugee

Assist a refugee in Rome

How to help refugees if you live in Rome

This year, over 110,000 refugees arrived in Italy. The JNRC is the only drop-in center in Rome that offers young men a way forward. Everyday, they feed, clothe, teach, and give legal guidance to an average of 200 refugees and asylum seekers. ​

Over half are homeless, destitute and desperate for help, sleeping in parks and train stations​. The Joel Nafuma Refugee Center helps these refugees and asylum seekers start a new independent life by sustaining them and by teaching them skills that could help them find work.

The JNRC has 30 driven and committed volunteers, but funds are needed in order to supply food, clothes, lessons, access to therapeutic help and more.

If you’d like to help out this wonderful community of people, any small donation would be extremely appreciated.

​ Just ​€50 provides the following services for a month​:

  • A protein-rich breakfast
  • Toiletries, new socks and underwear
  • Clothing, shoes, blankets and rucksacks
  • Legal and housing referrals
  • Access to a qualified ​psycho​therapist, music​ and art therapy
  • Job search training​​, ​resume writing​ and advice
  • Italian, English, French,​ Comput​ing and Tailoring​ classes

But you can donate any sum of money you’d like. You can either make one-time donations or donate every month. You can make a donation online through paypal or if you prefer, you can make a check or a wire transfer. All the details are on the link below, as well as more information on the JNRC.

If you’d like to give a meaningful gift this holiday season, this is definitely a great way to make one.

To donate, click here or click on the button below

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