10 Unique Destinations for a Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience

10 Unique Destinations for a Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience

Everyone loves a good holiday exploring new parts of the world and experiencing different cultures and ways of living. It is always worth investing in memories with your friends and family instead of investing in materialistic items. If you are thinking about a trip to experience something truly unique, then take a look below at 10 unique destinations that provide a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. From strolling through the beautiful national parks in West Virginia to trips into space, there are some things you have to tick off your bucket list at some point in your life.

  1. A Polar Plunge In Antarctica

Starting off this list is something that is not only an amazing experience but also potentially good for your health, a polar plunge in Antarctica. Antarctica is a place that not many people can say that they have visited. It is like no other place on earth, with some of the most spectacular scenery that can only be seen on a trip to this amazing destination. 

  1. A Christmas In Polar Night

Next up on this list is spending Christmas on a polar night. The polar night occurs when the sun doesn’t rise throughout the entire day and can be experienced in Northern Hemisphere locations such as Alaska, Svalbard, and various areas in Canada. Together with the exciting atmosphere of Christmas and the unique feeling of a polar night, you will be sure to have a Christmas that you will never forget.

  1. Scuba Dive and Touch Two Continents

If you were told there was a way that you could touch two different continents of the world at the same time, you might not believe it. However, on a trip to Iceland, you can visit the Silfra Fissure, where you can scuba dive and do exactly that. It is located in the Thingvellir National Park, and the two continents are moving 2 centimeters apart each year, so you have a limited amount of time to say you are one of the few to touch two continents at one time.

  1. Spend a Night In An Underwater Hotel

An underwater hotel sounds like something out of a movie; however, there are places in the world where these exist. Imagine lying back on your bed and looking up to see sea life passing by your window. This is a truly unique experience that can be enjoyed in places such as the Maldives, Dubai, and Singapore.

  1. Travel to Space

Yes, you read this correctly. There is a way that you can travel to space and see what is beyond our own earth’s atmosphere with your very own eyes. Apart from experiencing something that almost no one in the world gets to, you get the chance to see the stars that light up the skies at night up close and personal and get a feel for just how small we are in the galaxy.

  1. Fly First Class

When it comes to doing things once in your life, the price shouldn’t be something that you are thinking about too much. Flying first class is something that most people can’t afford to do, but you should try it once to experience what it truly feels like to travel in luxury. Enjoy complimentary champagne as you jet off on holiday and some delicious food and comfortable seating.

  1. Float in the Dead Sea

Most people know what it’s like to swim in large bodies of water, but the Dead Sea located in Jordan offers a whole different experience that can’t be replicated anywhere else in the world. Due to the salt concentration of the lake, you can float extremely easily, meaning you can lie back, relax and drift peacefully whilst enjoying the hot sun. It is also said that the Dead Sea is good for the skin, so you get pampered whilst you are floating around.

  1. Visit Hobbiton Movie Set In New Zealand 

When it comes to films about fantasy and adventure, The Lord of the Rings comes to many people’s minds first. A lot of the film is CGI; however, the shire is actually a real place that you can visit and relive your favorite scenes from the movie. The movie set is located in New Zealand and goes by the name Hobbiton as it was the home of the hobbit people in the movie. 

  1. Spend Time on a Lesser-Known Island

Sometimes, we all need some time away from civilization to feel at peace with ourselves, away from the stresses of daily life. What better way to do this than to stumble upon a not so well known island with beaches that are both clean and deserted? You can enjoy wonderful untouched nature and beaches without worrying about overcrowding and noise pollution.

  1. Party Hard

Everyone enjoys a good party, but there are fun parties and elite parties. These parties that take celebrating to the next level can be found all around the world, and everybody should experience them at least once. Creating special memories with the people you hold closest to you is one of the most important things everyone should strive to do.

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