Why Is Italy The Perfect Country To Own A Holiday Home?

Italy is one of the oldest and now most visited countries in the world, with over 90 million people visiting its beautiful cities annually. The numbers alone tell the story of Italy’s astonishing popularity, making it the first choice of many thinking of buying a holiday home. So, what is so appealing about the country and how can holiday homeowners benefit from their properties?  We’ll go into more detail below. 

The beauty of the country 

How come there is such an interest in this unique country? The appeal comes from not only its extraordinary architecture, but also its rich heritage and beautiful landscapes. As the country goes back to ancient times, some of the structures are beautifully preserved and stand as a mark of times long-gone. Furthermore, Italy is known for its culture, cuisine and has been, alongside France, the capital of fashion since The Renaissance. It has been cherished over the course of time for their knowledge of art, music, and all kinds of exquisite and sophisticated characteristics. Tourists have talked of the kindness of the people, and have mostly given them five-star reviews. As the locals are used to foreigners, their attitude is far from hostile and they are more than eager to help when needed.

The landscapes, coastlines, and vineyards are mesmerizing, and therefore a favorite attraction of people visiting. Italy has birthed some of the greatest names in history, artists, intellectuals, philosophers and more. There is even an old saying, “ Italians do it better”, as they have excelled in most crafts. 

Why own a home and how to utilize it 

In recent years, the prices of real estate all over the country have dropped to a much more affordable price, attracting individuals from abroad to invest and buy. The advantage of the investment is simply, as Italy is such an appealing destination for tourists as seen in the hotspots image by Comparethemarket home & contents insurance, there is a higher chance of renting the home to tourists and generating profit. One simple trick is using Airbnb, as most people visiting are looking for an authentic experience, interaction with locals, and unique structures and homes to stay in. Fortunately, Airbnb has become a global phenomenon in recent years. The platform allow homeowners to list their property and make a profit by utilizing the advantages given by the site. As it has an enormous following, Airbnb gives you the chance to get back the money you initially invested in buying the property in record time. More and more people are happy to get accommodation via the website and save money, spending it on other activities rather than giving it to overpriced hotels and hostels. 

What to look out for 

As a homeowner, you should be aware of the potential downsides of renting, as we suggested the safest way is to have insurance to cover the expenses of repairs in case of accidents. Also, always use a platform, company, to secure payments and refunds (which Airbnb covers), and make sure to boost your listing by offering a reasonable price and great pictures of the home. 

Investing in real estate is always a great way to secure steady profit over months or years, especially in a location such as Italy or any tourist destination. 

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