The World Press Photo Exhibition 2024 celebrates the best of photojournalism

World Press Photo 2024 in Rome
SUD EST ASIATICO E OCEANIA - Open Format Titolo: Un luogo perduto © Aletheia Casey

The annual photo contest exhibition encourages the public to reflect on global challenges and to recognize the power of photojournalism

Finalist and winning pieces for the World Press Photo Contest 2024 are on display at Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome from May 9th until June 9th. The 67th Edition of the Contest, created by the World Press Photo Foundation in Amsterdam is promoted by the Department of Culture of Roma Capitale and the Palaexpo Special Company. 

The exhibition presents us with photos from all around the globe depicting different hardships and cultural and societal problems. The photography raises awareness on current humanitarian issues with images that will stay with you long after you leave the exhibition. These thought-provoking images create a lasting impression on viewers, leading them to utmost empathy.

The World Press Photo Contest celebrates photojournalists from all over the world, with various backgrounds and experiences. The exhibit itself has an easy-to-follow layout with each submission having an information page next to the photos. Photos are placed on a clean white wall so as to not draw attention away from the pieces. 

World Press Photo
Una donna palestinese stringe il corpo di sua nipote © Mohammed Salem, Palestine, Reuters

The World Press Photo of the Year award was won by Palestinian Mohammed Salem with the photo A Palestinian woman embraces the body of her niece. Taken on October 17, 2023, in the morgue of Nasser Hospital, the image depicts Palestinian woman Inas Abu Maamar cradling the body of her niece Saly, who was killed along with four other family members when an Israeli missile struck their home in Khan Younis, Gaza. Mohammed Salem describes this photo as a “powerful and sad moment that encapsulates the broader meaning of what was happening in the Gaza Strip.” The jury emphasized how the image was carefully composed and respectful, while also providing both a metaphorical and literal glimpse into an unimaginable loss.

World Press Photo
Valim-babena © Lee-Ann Olwage, South Africa, per GEO

The World Press Photo Story of the Year award was given to photographer Lee-Ann Olwage from Geo for her Valim-babena, set in Madagascar. The photos depict the life of Paul Rakotozandriny, who has been living with dementia for 11 years and is cared for by his daughter. In Madagascar, lack of public awareness about dementia often leads to people showing memory loss symptoms being stigmatized.

World Press Photo
I due muri © Alejandro Cegarra, Venezuela, The New York Times/Bloomberg

The Venezuelan Alejandro Cegarra won the World Press Photo Long-Term Project award with his work The Two Walls. Since 2019, Mexico has become a country that enforces strict immigration policies. Drawing from his migration experience, photographer Alejandro Cegarra initiated this project in 2018 to document the situation of these deeply vulnerable migrant communities and to highlight their resilience.

World Press Photo
La guerra è intima © Julia Kochetova, Ucraina

The World Press Photo Open Format award was awarded to Julia Kochetova for War is Intimate, a work that intertwines photographic images with poetry, audio clips, and music. The Ukrainian photographer created a website that combines photojournalism with the documentary style of a personal diary to showcase the experience of living with war as a daily reality to the world.

The awarded works document some of the most urgent current issues: from devastating conflicts and political unrest to the climate crisis and the safe passage of migrants.

By gathering these important stories, the exhibition aims to encourage greater understanding and awareness of current events, while also reminding of the importance of press freedom worldwide.

Overall, the exhibition is a thought-provoking experience where one leaves feeling grateful for the life we live. 


9 May – 9 June 2024

Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Via Nazionale, 194

Visiting hours:

Tue-Sun from 10am to 10pm

Tickets: Full € 12.50; Reduced € 10.00

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