Water returns to the Baths of Caracalla after more than 1000 years
byThe Baths of Caracalla in Rome have introduced a reflecting pool, named “The Mirror” or Lo Specchio.
The Baths of Caracalla in Rome have introduced a reflecting pool, named “The Mirror” or Lo Specchio.
Where to See Caravaggio’s Art in Rome: Santa Maria del Popolo, San Luigi dei Francesi, Musei Capitolini, Pinacoteca Vaticana, Basilica di Sant’Agostino, Galleria Borghese.
Everything you need to know about taking a taxi in Rome. How to call a taxi in Rome and how much does it cost.
Escape the hustle and bustle of Rome with a relaxing day trip to Montepulciano and Pienza. Try local cuisine and wines.
Why choose custom travel planning? Here are the benefits of using a travel planning service for organizing your Italy vacation.
Follow the footsteps of Gianlorenzo Bernini who has shaped our very idea of Rome.
Discover essential tips for Americans traveling to Italy. Adjust to Italian culture and make the most of your experience with these insights!
You may have already explored Italy and are familiar with the country’s main attractions. However, you may not be aware of some of the…
Here’s how to visit the Palazzo del Quirinale in Rome, official residence of the President of the Italian Republic.
The collection of the Galleria Borghese, which was defined as “the most beautiful collection in the world”, is still collected in the place that was created and designed for that collection – the Borghese Gallery.
Weekend getaway suggestions from Rome. Discover some spectacular spots for unique day trips in Rome.
Come on this trip of a lifetime to Rome, the city that never sleeps, where past and present co-exist in a theatrical fashion. This guide sheds a light on the best kept secrets and gives us insights in such a way that we will never forget
If you’re ready for a romantic yacht expedition with your lover, keep reading and use this guide as your map.
The Most Beautiful Libraries in Rome: Vatican Library, Angelica Library, Vallicelliana Library and other historic libraries in Rome.