The Best Underground Sites of the Eternal City

underground rome: best catacombs

Guide to Rome’s underground sites: Rome’s Catacombs and church crypts

With soaring temperatures this summer there is no place cooler to hide than in the secret world beneath the streets of Rome. Explore the catacombs and crypts of the city’s most significant monuments, and unearth some of Rome’s best-kept treasures.

Basilica of San Clemente

Via Labicana, 95
Mon-Sat 9am-12:30pm, 2-5:30pm; Sun: 12-5:30pm
Entry fee: €10, reduced €5

Basilica San Clemente Rome

Often overlooked by the nearby Colosseum, the Basilica of San Clemente is a hidden gem that is definitely worth a visit. This three-tiered complex consists of an 11th century Basilica that was built on top of the pre-existing 4th century ”domus ecclesiae” (a secretive meeting room for early Christian worshippers) of martyr San Clemente. Go deeper under the Church and you’ll find a vault from the 3rd century AD. This Mitharic sanctuary consists of stone benches, surrounding an altar that was used during Mitharic rituals, a mystery cult of Persian origin. 

Colosseum Underground

Colosseum entrance from “Sperone Valadier”
Open daily, 9am-7.15pm (Till 31 August); 9am-7pm (till 30 September); 9am-6pm (till 30 October); 9am-4.30pm (till 31 December)
Entry fee: €24 (Full Experience Undergrounds and Arena ticket. Valid for 2 days from the first use, it allows one entrance to the Colosseum with access to the  Undergrounds and Arena, one entrance to the Palatine Forum and SUPER Sites.)

Colosseum underground

Underneath the world’s largest amphitheatre lie the tunnels and chambers which hosted the mechanisms that made the spectacular battles of the Colosseum possible. The recently discovered hypogeum, from the Greek word for “underground”, is a labyrinth of rings that emulate the oval shape of the arena. Behind the scenes, a vertical winch called a capstan was pushed by slaves to elevate lions, crocodiles and bears into the arena. Walk in the footsteps of gladiators, with a tour group that explores the underworld of the Colosseum.

Domitian Stadium – Piazza Navona Underground

Via di Tor Sanguigna, 3
Open Saturday, 10am-7pm
Entry fee: €7-9

stadio diocleziano

The ruins of the Domitian Stadium (declared Unesco World Heritage Site and subjected to the indirect protection of the Ministerial Decree of April 7th 1954) are located under Piazza Navona at about 5 meters below the street level. The archaeological area is all that remains od the only masonry athletics stadium know in Roman history.

Catacombs of San Callisto

Via Appia Antica, 110/126
Open Thu-Tue 2-7pm
Entry fee €7-10

Catacombs of San Callisto

Possibly Rome’s most famous catacomb, this site extends almost 20 km and was the burial place of more than 10 martyrs and 16 popes. As the official catacombs of the Roman Church, the crypt of the popes was known as “the little Vatican” and you can still see the Greek markings “MPT” on two of them for “martyr.” You can also see burial place of Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of music, buried here for five centuries until her remains were transferred to a church in Trastevere.

Domitilla Catacombs

Via delle Sette Chiese, 282
Open Mon, Wed-Sun 9am-12pm, 2pm-5pm
Entry fee: 7€-10€

Catacombe domitilla

Rome has an array of underground tombs, built as cemeteries for the Christian and Catholic communities between the 2nd – 9th centuries AD. The Domitilla Catacombs are the oldest burial networks in the city and the only site to house real ancient bones. The maze of underground caves and vaults spread over three levels, extending 30 meters into the ground and reaching a total length of 17 km. Access to the passageways is through a 4th century subterranean basilica, which leads to a fascinating 2nd century fresco of The Last Supper.

read more about the catacombs of

Palazzo Valentini’s Domus Romane

via Foro Traiano, 85
Open 10am-7pm, closed on Tuesday
Entry fee: €12, €8 reduced

Palazzo Valentini

Recent excavations under Palazzo Valentini led to the discovery of the original ancient Roman palace, 7 meters below street level. Enjoy a different underground experience, with a three-dimensional experience of the palazzo: this tour features digital projections of what Palazzo Valentini looked like at its peak.


Hadrian’s Crypt at Santa Maria in Cosmedin (Mouth of Truth)

Piazza Bocca della Verità, 18
Opening times for the Crypt, Mon-Sat, 10am-2pm, 3pm-5.30pm; Sun 12pm – 5.30pm
Opening times for the church, Daily, 9.30am-5.50pm

Mouth of Truth

Escape the long line of visitors queuing up to put their hand in The Mouth of Truth by exploring Pope Hadrian’s Crypt. The basilica shaped crypt is located underneath Santa Maria in the Cosmedin Church, in Piazza Bocca della Verita. It was constructed in the 8th century to store the relics taken from the catacombs by Pope Adrian I. This small underground site is definitely worth a visit. There is no entry fee but a donation is suggested.

The Crypt of the Capuchin Friars

Via Vittorio Veneto, 27
Open daily, 10am-6:30pm
Entry fee: €10, reduced €6.5

Crypt of the Capuchin Friars

“What you are we were; what we are you will be” is the spooky reminder of the inevitability of life that greets visitors upon entering the Crypt. By far the eeriest site in Rome, this Crypt is made up of the bones of 4,000 Capuchin monks. After visiting the convent and museum, walk towards the dimly lit hallway, where a multitude of messages are conveyed. This spooky corner of the city is the ultimate underground experience.

Catacombs of Priscilla

Via Salaria, 430
Tue – Sun 9am-12pm, 2pm-5pm
Entry fee: €10-€7
The catacomb will be closed from the 1st of August until the 28th included.

catacombs of priscilla

Run by an order of nuns, these catacombs were named after the woman who owned the land in which they were built and were known as the “regina catacumbarum”, or the queen of the catacombs. They are famous for housing the oldest image of the Virgin Mary in existence. There’s also a chilling view point where you can look down and see the three levels of grave sites dug further and further into the Earth to accommodate the dead. Reservation is required.


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