How to Get a Green Pass for Italy


All you need to know about Italy’s COVID-19 vaccine certificate

The EU Digital COVID Certificate, also known as the Green Pass has entered into application on 01 July 2021. The Green Pass is a digital or paper certificate showing that a person has either been vaccinated against COVID-19, received a negative test result or recovered from COVID-19.

It guarantees exemption from free movement restrictions across Europe, meaning that people in the hold of a Green Pass have facilitated movement crossing borders of EU member states. From the 6th of December 2021 in Italy, some changes have been implemented to the usage of the Green pass, and a new version of this pass has been issued, a Reinforced Super Green Pass or Super Green Pass which applies only to those who have been vaccinated, or have recovered from COVID-19.

What Exactly is the Green Pass? The COVID-19 Certificate Allowing Easy Access to Facilities in Italy

The green pass is a certificate showing that you’re either:

It can be used throughout the EU to enter various public places.

The COVID-19 Green Certificate comes in the form of a unique QR code. This can be scanned to provide your basic details, along with proof of your current COVID status. The pass can be used within all EU countries and, depending on the specific nation, is used for accessing a variety of services. 

From Febuary 1st the pass will be valid for 6 months and can be presented either digital, via QR code, or paper copy

The expiration will be variable depending on a few factors:

  • In the case of a vaccination certificate, the green pass is valid for 6 months after the last dosage has been administered
  • A certificate of recovery from Covid-19 lasts 6 months from the date of the end of isolation
  • The report of the negative swab is only valid for 48 hours (for antigenic test) or 72 hours (for molecular test) after collection.

From 20 January the basic Green Pass will be needed to access hairdressers and beauticians, while from 1 February it will be required to enter banks, post offices, non-essential shops and shopping malls.The unvaccinated will still be able to access grocery shops, supermarkets and pharmacies.

Italy Super Green Pass

The Super Green Pass is a reinforced version of the standard pass and will be required to enter most entertainment venues in Italy, including bars and restaurants, theme parks, stadiums, museums, and cultural venues, and hotels. It’s newly introduced to Italy and comes into effect from Jan. 10, 2022.

The super green pass is a reinforced Green Pass that applies only to those who have been vaccinated or have proof of recovery from the virus. From the 10th of January, the Super Green Pass will be necessary for the following social activities even in white zones:

  • public transport, planes, trains, metro
  • indoor and outdoor dining at restaurants, cafes, bars
  • hotels
  • museums and cultural venues
  • indoor cinemas and theatres
  • stadiums and arenas
  • gyms, swimming pools, spas
  • festivals, fairs, conferences
  • public ceremonies

Italy Green Pass for British, Canadian and US Tourists

The Green Pass is only issued to residents of EU countries. So, if you’re traveling from outside the union’s boundaries, you can still travel without a green pass. However, you will need to present your local equivalent of the pass. 

Non-EU citizens can present a COVID-19 Green Certificate, in paper or digital form, issued by the health authorities of their home country, certifying vaccination recognized by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

The Green Pass for U.S. citizens is the CDC paper vaccination “white card”, for Canadian citizens is the proof-of-vaccine certificate, also commonly referred to as a “vaccine passport”, for British citizens is the NHS vaccination certificate, also known as the “COVID Pass.”

Before traveling, be sure to check with your local embassy. They’ll have up-to-date information on their website. Rules are subject to change, so it’s important to have current information before embarking on an international journey. 

Do Children Need a Green Pass?

If you’re bringing young children, you won’t need to worry about providing a covid pass for them. A green pass is only required for those aged 12 and up. 

Do I Still Need to Wear a Mask?

The green pass system does not exempt people from wearing a mask. Regardless of your COVID status, until January 31, 2022 the use of masks outdoors is mandatory on the entire Italian territory.

Can I Get a Physical Green Pass?

The Italian government understands that a QR code doesn’t work for everyone. After all, it would be difficult to use for those without smartphones!

Don’t worry. A physical pass is available too. These can be acquired from pharmacies, general practitioners, and pediatricians. However, an Italian health card is required to access the physical green pass.  

Will I Still Need to Quarantine With the Green Pass?

The need to self-isolate on arrival in a new country has made traveling abroad difficult or impossible for many. But as long as you’re fully vaccinated, you won’t need to quarantine on arrival in Italy if you are travelling from European countries or from the countries included on the LIST D

You will need to fill out a passenger locator form in order to enter the country. Be sure to complete the form before arrival, or this could cause delays and other problems at the airport. 

A Negative Covid-19 test is still required for entry? Yes.

From 16 December until 31 January, all travellers to Italy from European Union countries must undergo a covid test before departure (within the 24-hour period before departure for rapid antigen tests, or the 48 hours before departure for molecular tests) including those who are vaccinated.

All travellers to Italy from countries on List D (i.e. United States, Canada, UK) must undergo a molecular swab test in the 72 hours prior to entering Italy or an antigenic test carried out within 24 hours prior to entry into Italy; in the case of arrivals from the UK and Northern Ireland and British Isles, the swab test must be taken in the 48 hours prior to entering Italy.

What if I Test Positive?

If you test positive after entering Italy, you’ll need to isolate for a period of 10 days (for unvaccinated or recently vaccinated people) or five days (for people fully vaccinated at least four months ago) and call your regional hotline.

You may be able to remain in your existing accommodation for quarantine, or be required to transfer into a state hospital or other government-provided accommodation. You may be required to fund accommodation.

At the end of the isolation period you need to take a negative molecular (PCR) test before you can leave.

Check Local Requirements

Although the information provided here is relevant for entry into the country and serves as a good overall guide, there are some slight variations across Italy. 

It’s important to remember that there are different local authorities across Italy and some have their own rules regarding COVID protocols. Be sure to do through research into any different regions you’re planning on traveling to.

However, a Super Pass will allow travel to different regions within Italy and facilitate most activities throughout the country. Check out your local embassy for more Green Pass help.

Safe Travels!

Although the Green Pass might seem a little complicated at first glance, it really is simple once you know what you’re doing. Pay attention and follow the guidelines and you could be enjoying yourself in Rome before you know it! 

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  • So as an EU citizen i will have to get jabs and renew my “passport” every 6 months to exercise my free movement right or simply just travel like a normal human being ?

    This is absolutely ridiculous. I genuinely can’t believe the EU or anyone else at that matter thought this is in any way a good idea…

    Kiss goodbye to the tourism industry and good luck to Italy, Spain or Greece

    • Don’t moan Andrew, these are regulations for NOW. It is very likely they will be amended/cancelled along with the drop of infection rate and vaccination progress.

  • I am a resident in Italy but not enrolled with ASL. I was fully vaccinated in Florence as of 10 June and while I was able to download my regional vaccination certificate, I can’t get the EU Green Pass because I haven’t been sent an AUTHCODE.

    When I go to the website of the Ministero delle Salute, the only option they provide for residents not enrolled with ASL, thus without a tessera sanitaria, is for people who have tested negative for the virus, or who have had the virus and have fully recovered, but neither is the case with me, or other foreign residents in this same situation. They do not provide an option for residents without a tessera sanitaria but fully vaccinated to get the EU Green Pass.

    I have sent three emails over these past weeks to three different entities asking how I can get the EU Green Pass but, of course, no one has replied.

    Do you have any suggestions as to how people in my situation (residents without a tessera sanitaria but have been fully vaccinated in Italy) can get the EU Green Pass? Thanks in advance.

    • Thank you for your question. To the best of our knowledge, in Italy the pass should be available on the IO app. I believe you only need an Italian codice fiscale (and not necessarily a tessera sanitaria) as well as an ID or SPID to access it. Once you are logged in, and your vaccination cycle is complete, the app should automatically grant you your EU Digital COVID Certificate.

      Today is the first day the EU Green Pass is available, so there may still be some hiccups here and there. From the EU website, we know that:

      The certificate will be introduced in EU Member States. Countries can start issuing and using it already and it will become available in all EU Member States as of 1 July 2021. (…) National authorities are in charge of issuing the certificate. It could, for example, be issued by test centres or health authorities, or directly via an eHealth portal.

      Hope this helps!

      Good luck and all the best,
      Romeing Team

      • Hi.

        Thanks so much for your answer. Italy said the pass would be available to everyone by June 28 and put into use on July 1. I’m sure there will be some hiccups, as you say, but their website still says this about those without a tessera sanitaria:

        “If you do not have the Health Card , as you are not registered with the SSN, enter:
        the type and number of the document you provided when the swab was performed or when the certificate of recovery was issued
        the expiry date of the same,
        one of the unique codes received with:
        the molecular buffer (CUN)
        the rapid antigenic swab (NRFE)
        the certificate of healing (NUCG).
        As an alternative to these codes, you can enter the authorization code (AUTHCODE) received via e-mail or SMS to the contact details you provided during the health service.”

        Note it says nothing about those of us without a tessera sanitaria but who are fully vaccinated.

        My vaccination “cycle” was completed on June 10, and while all the people I know who have a tessera sanitaria have been sent an AUTHCODE, several who completed their vaccination cycle after I did, none of the people I know who have been fully vaccinated but do not have a tessera sanitaria have been sent an AUTHCODE. I believe the reason to be that the data the regional health offices are transmitting to the Ministero delle Salute are complied by tessera sanitaria number. If one doesn’t have a tessera, one isn’t on the list.

        I have been using my SPID on the IO app these past couple of days without success. If they are issuing passes to people on their list identified by their tessera number, using a SPID isn’t going to be of any use if one doesn’t have a tessera.

        So we shall see what happens. It’s a “new” thing and the kinks might take a while to work out. I just hope it doesn’t take months because I’d like to do a little travel around Italy this summer. But while I have the vaccination certificate from my region’s health office, they’ve decided the EU pass is now required for residents to travel around even Italy.

        Anyway, thanks again for your response.

        Kind regards.

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