Piazza Farnese

photo by Giuseppe Moscato
photo by Giuseppe Moscato

A true gem often overlooked because of nearby Campo de’ Fiori

Many tourists flock to Campo de’ Fiori both day and night, often overlooking another true gem just around the corner, Piazza Farnese. Other than being yet another great place in the cuore of the centro storico where you can park yourself at a street cafè to sip on cappuccinos, drink a glass of wine or sketch marvellous drawings of Rome, this amazing piazza also holds one of the most beautiful buildings of Rome. Palazzo Farnese, one of the best examples of High Renaissance, is where the French Embassy is housed. The palace was first designed and created by Antonio da Sangallo in 1517 for the Farnese family. Throughout the years, several great artists and architects such as Michelangelo and Giacomo della Porta joined the project. Tours of the palace are given in English on Wednesdays with mandatory prior reservations. Also worth checking out here are the exquisite bathtub fountains made of granite and believed to be extracted from the Baths of Caracalla. Another place worthy of your time is the Chiesa di Santa Brigida, a small church dedicated to Saint Bridget of Sweden who created a convent here after travelling to Rome in 1350.

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