Rome Future Week, The Festival About The Future In The Italian Capital

Rome Future Week

Talks, presentations and workshops about innovation: more than 200 venues, almost 300 events

Innovation, change and transformation are the keywords in Rome this year, thanks to the second edition of Rome Future Week, running from September 16th to 22nd.

This extraordinary festival promises to bring to the fore the potentials, challenges, and visions that lie ahead for the Italian capital. The Eternal City, faithfully anchored to its past, explicitly looks to its future, with particular attention to four macro areas: Growth, Connection, People, and Experience.

Taking place in over 200 locations across the city, the festival demonstrates Rome’s readiness to actively and dynamically embrace the future, at large.

Rome Future Week

Rome Future Week invites and gathers a series of individual citizens, institutions, media groups, schools and social or cultural associations for a series of events – workshops, presentations and talks – geared toward a collective and passionate conversation about innovation.

With nearly 300 events scheduled, the second week of September will offer a unique opportunity to dynamically reflect on new ideas concerning technological revolution, sustainability, entertainment, and social inclusion.

Among the highlights are the presentation of 15 startup projects at Gazometro Eni in Ostiense, aimed at enriching the urban experience, along with a debate on the hot topic of Artificial Intelligence at the Palladium.

The festival’s engine will be at Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti, situated in Stazione Tiburtina, which will function as Rome Future Week’s HQ. But many events will also be taking place in the lesser-explored, but no less-exciting suburbs, where the future will be thought through in groups, collaboratively and creatively.

The program is jam-packed with options, and choosing which events to attend may be a bit of a puzzle, but rest assured, Rome Future Week holds something for each of us – after all, we’re all moving in the same direction.

Best Events in September in Rome


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