Anti-covid restrictions in Italy during Christmas and New Year’s

Anti-covid restrictions in Italy during Christmas and New Year’s

Christmas Rules in Italy


Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte spoke to the nation on Friday night regarding the latest anti Covid restrictions. Amidst record-high death tolls and the probable scenario of a third wave, the new DPCM further tightens restrictions. The government has announced the whole nation will be under a “red zone” lockdown from December 24 till January 6. More precisely, the “red zone” is going to be implemented on the following days: December 24, 25, 26, 27 and 31 and January 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. This means that shops, restaurants and bars will be closed on the above mentioned days. While on December 28, 29 and 30 and on January 4 the nation will be under an “orange zone” lockdown. On the days prior to December 24 and on the days from January 7 till January 15th the previous three-tier system is going to be implemented. Let’s take a look at what Christmas 2020 and New Year’s 2021 will look like according to the latest measures.

Red zone lockdown restrictions

On the following days Italy will be placed under a “red zone” lockdown: December 24, 25, 26, 27 and 31 and January 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. On these days you cannot leave your home unless it’s for work, health or essential/urgent matters and you must always have a self-certified form. However, the government allows people to visit friends and families in other homes, as long as the following rules are respected:

  • No more than two non-cohabiting people can visit the same home, unless they are also taking children under the age of 14 or disabled/non self-sufficient people who live with them.
  • Visiting a private home is allowed only once per day from 5am till 10pm. This means that if you visited your grandparents for lunch you cannot visit a friend for dinner on the same day. Of course, the place you’re visiting must be located in your same region.

Of course, restaurants, bars and shops will be closed. Takeaway (till 10pm) and food delivery is allowed.

Orange zone lockdown restrictions

On the following days Italy will be placed under an “orange zone” lockdown: December 28,29 and 30 and January 4. On these days you cannot leave your home unless it’s for work, health or essential/urgent matters and you must always have a self-certified form. You may visit friends and families in other homes, as long as the following rules are respected:

  • No more than two non-cohabiting people can visit the same home, unless they are also taking children under the age of 14 or disabled/non self-sufficient people who live with them.
  • Visiting a private home is allowed only once per day from 5am till 10pm. This means that if you visited your grandparents for lunch you cannot visit a friend for dinner on the same day. Of course, the place you’re visiting must be located in your same region.

Restaurants and bars are to stay closed but shops are allowed to stay open till 9pm. Takeaway (till 10pm) and food delivery is allowed.

italy new restrictions for christmas holidays:Travel between regions and towns in Italy

Travel between regions and towns in Italy

The government has imposed a regional travel ban from December 21st to January 6th 2021, meaning moving in between regions will be forbidden during these days. In addition, on Christmas Day (December 25th), Santo Stefano (December 26th) and New Year’s Day (January 1st), there’s a further travel ban that restricts unnecessary travel to only within your city. You are permitted to return to your residence or home, with the exclusion of traveling to second homes located in another region or province.

italy new restrictions for christmas holidays: quarantine and testing for arrivals

Quarantine and testing for arrivals

From December 21st till January 6th, anyone who travels abroad will have to quarantine for 14 days on their return to Italy. Anyone returning from one of the 27 EU countries from December 10th is obliged to get tested 48 hours before their departure to Italy. The Covid test result must be submitted on their arrival to Italy – if the test is negative, quarantine won’t be necessary. Whoever arrives from a country outside the Schengen zone must quarantine. All flights from the UK have stopped operating and anyone who has been in the UK in the last 14 days must get tested. To avoid quarantine you must return to Italy before the 20th of December or after the 6th of January.

italy new restrictions for christmas holidays: The nationwide curfew from 10pm to 5pm is still in place during the 2020 holiday season.


The nationwide curfew from 10pm to 5pm is still in place during the 2020 holiday season. Additionally, the curfew is extended to 7am on January 1st.

Read More:

Italy Implements A Three-Tier System And A Nationwide Curfew

italy new restrictions for christmas holidays: Christmass Mass

Midnight mass on Christmas

It’s tradition for Italians to attend mass on Christmas Eve at midnight. However, this year mass won’t take place at 12am but it will be anticipated to 7.30pm. Churches will also offer religious ceremonies throughout the whole day on Christmas Day. Even though the nation is under a red zone lockdown, you may go to mass as long as you have a self-certified form. On the red zone days you must go to mass near your home while on the orange zone days you may go to mass anywhere you like as long as it’s in your city.

Read more:

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italy new restrictions for christmas holidays: resturants and bars

Restaurants and bars

From December 24th till January 6th all restaurants, bars and pastry shops will be closed to the public. Only takeaway (till 10pm) and food delivery (non-stop) are available. This means that restaurants will be closed on Christmas Day lunch, Santo Stefano and New Year’s.

While till December 23rd and from January 7th restaurants, bars and pastry shops in the yellow regions will be able to operate from 5am to 6pm. Only 4 people are permitted per table, unless there are congiunti. After 6pm, takeaway is possible till 10pm. While food delivery is permitted non-stop.

italy new restrictions for christmas holidays: shopping

Christmas shopping

From December 24th till January 6th all shops will be closed except for grocery stores, alimentari, pharmacies, newsstands, tabacchis and other shops that sell essential goods that are inside the shopping mall.

While till December 24th and from January 7th shops are allowed to remain open till 9pm but shopping centers and malls must stay closed on weekends and on holidays except for shops that sell essential goods that are inside the shopping mall.

Read More:

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Christmas Shopping in Rome

italy new restrictions for christmas holidays: Hotels and NYE dinner

Hotels and NYE dinner

Hotel restaurants remain open exclusively for hotel guests without time limits. However, on December 31st, hotel restaurants will stay closed – any hotel guest who wishes to dine on December 31st must do so only by ordering room service. This restriction has been imposed to avoid parties and gatherings.

italy new restrictions for christmas holiday: skiing


Skiing slopes will remain closed during the Christmas holidays except for professional and non-professional athletes recognized by Coni that are training for national and international sports competitions. The slopes will reopen on January 7th 2021 with restrictions including wearing a mask on ski cables; reducing capacity to 50% on ski cables; social distancing while in line and a maximum number of daily skypasses available.

Read more:

Where to sky near Rome

italy new restrictions for christmas holiday:Museums, concerts and cinemas

Museums, concerts and cinemas

The suspension of all exhibitions, museums, concerts, theaters, cinemas and cultural institutes is still in place, with the exception of libraries (you must reserve your spot beforehand). Conferences, congresses and other events are suspended, too.

Read more:

Current exhibitions in Rome


Sports, gyms and wellness centers

All gyms, swimming pools, swimming centers, wellness centers and spas are to stay closed. The only exception is for health facilities providing services falling under the category of essential assistance. Working out and jogging are still permitted as long as there’s a social distancing of at least two meters. In the red zone you must work out near your home and on your own.

Read more:

Best Gyms in Rome

Best Spas in Rome

italy new restrictions for christmas holidays: Schools and universities

Schools and universities

High-school students will return to their classrooms on January 7th with attendance up to 75%. Class will therefore take place through distance-learning till that date. While elementary school students and 6th grade students will keep on going to school, even in the red zone.

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